Aston University Study Seeks To Interview Parents Through International Surrogacy
Dr Katie Tonkiss is seeking parents through international surrogacy to participate in a study about their experiences. Find out more below.
Share your international surrogacy experience
Call for research participants for a study on international surrogacy led by Aston University
Are you a parent through international surrogacy?
Would you be interested in sharing your experiences?
Dr Katie Tonkiss is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Policy at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Aston University. She is writing a book about international surrogacy practices. As part of this book she is researching parents’ lived experiences of international surrogacy.
Katie is looking to recruit parents who have gone through an international surrogacy journey. Involvement would include taking part in an interview exploring your experiences, in particular following the birth of your child(ren). Your involvement would be on a completely anonymous basis, and interviews could take place on an online platform such as Zoom or MS Teams.
This study has been reviewed and received ethical approval from Aston University ethics committee.
If you are interested in taking part, please contact or @katietonkiss for further information.
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