Free online event: Becoming a UK parent through US surrogacy – what impact will the Trump Presidency have?
Brilliant Beginnings and NGA Law are hosting a free online event for intended parents at an early stage of considering US surrogacy, as well as for those already mid process with questions about whether anything has changed for them. Our expert panel, with leading legal speakers from both the UK and the US, will cover key questions for UK parents to consider.

BB and Breast Cancer Now
BB attended a virtual meeting hosted by Breast Cancer Now, a charity that provides research and life-changing support for those whose lives have been affected by breast cancer to discuss surrogacy.

Online webinar becoming a surrogate or egg donor 22nd October 2024
Thinking about becoming a surrogate or egg donor? This Brilliant Beginnings webinar with Apricity Fertility will help you understand all that is involved and the support available

Free in-person event, central London: The path to becoming a parent through US surrogacy 5th November 2024 6-8pm
We are delighted to be hosting an in-person US surrogacy event, with speakers from Brilliant Beginnings, NGA Law and International Fertility Law Group, where we will explore the path to becoming a parent through US surrogacy.

Online Event: The path to becoming a parent through US surrogacy, 11th July 2024
We are hosting our next US surrogacy event, with speakers from Brilliant Beginnings, NGA Law and US experts from San Diego Fertility Center and Family Source Consulting.

Helen spoke at the Scottish Human Reproduction and Embryology Group conference in Dundee
The Scottish Human Reproduction and Embryology Group held a conference in May 2024. Helen spoke about surrogacy in the UK.