Cambridge University study on single dad families

Are you a single dad family created through surrogacy? Do you want to be a part of the first study of its kind? If so, researchers at the University of Cambridge would love to speak to you.
For the past 50 years, The Centre for Family Research in Cambridge has conducted ground breaking, high quality research that broadens public and professional understanding of diversity in family life. Professor Susan Golombok, the Centre’s Director, has studied new forms of family for more than 30 years and her work has informed legislators and policy makers around the world about the needs of new families. Single dad families created through surrogacy has been an unexplored area of study up until now. Their exciting new study will focus on the lived experiences of such single dad families and they would love to hear your story. All information that is gathered will be protected and your confidentiality fully respected.
Taking part in the study will consist of an interview which can be carried out over Skype or phone, at a time most convenient for you, and will take around 1 hour. They will have some questions on your route to becoming a parent and your fatherhood experiences thus far.
Questionnaires will be posted to you and will take around 15 minutes to complete. These questionnaires provide information on you and your child’s wellbeing. Your participation in this enterprising new study would be greatly appreciated and as a token of their appreciation you will receive a £20 gift voucher.
If you would like to take part or are interested in more information about this study, please email Simone Vasques on