Surrogate explains colostrum harvesting and expressing milk

Have you heard of colostrum harvesting? If you haven’t, you are not alone. BB Surrogate Manager, Tracey explains how she learned about it and shares her experience of expressing colostrum for her intended parents.
Colostrum harvesting and expressing for intended parents
Colostrum harvesting and expressing milk give you different options as to how and what you can feed your baby when he or she arrives.
“We could provide love by the bucket load but there were a few things that physically, as two men, we couldn’t provide ourselves. Very early on in our discussions with our surrogate we talked about how we might be able to provide our babies with breast milk.” – Rich and Dan, Dads through surrogacy.
Both are separate options, although there are surrogate and intended parents teams who want to do both. It is completely down to what each team feels happy to do, and if this is something that they even want to look further into.
“It was great to know that the syringes were all in the freezer and ready to go, prior to her birth. I would do it again and also recommend it to any of my friends that are pregnant themselves.” – Anna, Mother through surrogacy.
“I am not going to lie, I am pretty impressed with how many syringes I was able to fill with colostrum! I have always felt proud to have been able to breastfeed my own children but this gave me a similar satisfaction that I had helped give my surrogate baby a good start to life.” – Tracey, Surrogate.
In this video, we give an overview of both these options. Please feel free to get in touch and ask for Tracey, if you would like any more information on colostrum harvesting.
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