National Survey for Infertility Network UK and Middlesex University

Infertility Network UK and researchers at Middlesex University are conducting a national survey to help understand the experiences of people considering fertility treatment, currently having treatment or who have previously had treatment. Brilliant Beginnings is pleased to support the survey by sharing the request for participants among our readers.
They are looking for as many people as possible who have experienced treatment for infertility at any stage in their life to take part in this anonymous survey. The research aims to explore the impact of and support for infertility and treatment, including support from your workplace and if you received funding for treatment. Questions will cover how treatment and infertility have made you feel and whether this has affected your relationships with your partner, family or friends. It will also cover any support you have received from formal or informal sources. If you worked during treatment, it will also cover whether or not you talked about having treatment and whether you were supported by your employer. The whole questionnaire takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
INUK hope the findings from the survey will help inform better ways to support people considering or having fertility treatment, especially in relation to psychological, financial and workplace supports. To access the survey please go to: