The Independent: Single people allowed to become legal parents of surrogate children

The Independent has covered the proposed law changes put forward by the government to enable single parents to apply for parental orders if they have a child through surrogacy.  The decision follows a court case won by our sister organisation NGA Law, which ruled that the current law’s exclusion of single parents from surrogacy was unfair and discriminatory. The government has now decided to update the law, which we are obviously delighted about.  The Independent interviewed our founder Natalie Gamble, who represented the single father in the case which changed the law:

“Natalie Gamble, fertility lawyer at NGA Law told The Independent that after the ruling the Government is supposed to “propose a remedy” to Parliament within four months. Although it has taken longer in this case, she said: “It’s really, really good news. We’ve got a whole batch of clients, single dads and single mums who – for whatever reasons – needed a surrogate to carry their child and who were desperately waiting for this law change to happen. It’s really good news for them and their children. We’re really glad these children will not be left as legal orphans and will be resolved in the loving families in which they were born.”

You can read the full article here.