Would you be interested in sharing your experience?

Zaina Mahmoud is a PhD researcher at the Welcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health at the University of Exeter. Her research involves an exploration of whether the current regulatory framework is fit for purpose through an exploration of the lived experiences of surrogates.
She is looking to recruit surrogates and gestational carriers who have gone through a surrogacy journey in the past 5 years. Involvement would include taking part in an interview looking to explore the surrogacy arrangement from conception to birth, looking at health and wellbeing, as well as the law and expenses. The study will be used to inform responses to the Law Commission’s consultation and the overall doctoral thesis.
This study has been reviewed and received ethical approval by the University of Exeter Ethics Committee and is supervised by Professor Anne Barlow, Professor Rebecca Probert, and Professor Katrina Wyatt. Funding for this research has been generously provided by the Wellcome Trust.
If you are interested in taking part, please contact z.mahmoud2@exeter.ac.uk, @surrogacyreform, or register your interest at www.surrogacyreform.com.