by BB Team | Apr 14, 2022 | Our team's stories, Team news
Getting to know BB: Nicky Reid, Client Manager Nicky is a Client Manager for Brilliant Beginnings. As part of our ongoing series, she shares a little about what brought her to surrogacy and working with us, and what she loves about her role. Getting to know Nicky I...
by BB Team | Nov 29, 2021 | Guidance and comment, Team news
What we learned at the Royal College of Nursing Fertility Nursing Forum conference 2021 As a registered nurse and as part of my clinical liaison role with Brilliant Beginnings, I regularly attend professional fertility sector events to ensure our whole team is fully...
by BB Team | Oct 13, 2021 | Our team's stories, Team news
Getting to know BB: Gemma Hart-Dyke, Client Manager For the latest in our getting to know BB series, Gemma writes about being a client manager, how she came to work for Brilliant Beginnings, and shares a bit about her life outside of work and her family. Getting to...
by BB Team | Jul 13, 2021 | Our team's stories, Team news
Getting to know BB: Kelly Blaxall, part of the NGA Law legal team Getting to know BB is our ongoing series spotlighting each of the members of our team. In their own words, they share a little about themselves, how they came to Brilliant Beginnings and the impact of...
by BB Team | Jun 18, 2021 | Guidance and comment, Team news
We’ve launched a joint NGA Law and Brilliant Beginnings US Surrogacy Pathway Despite the challenges and sadness that 2020 and 2021 have brought for many due to the pandemic, there have also been opportunities for people to take time to reflect and rebalance their...
by BB Team | May 12, 2021 | Our team's stories, Team news
Getting to know BB: Tracey Sims, Surrogate Manager Getting to know BB: Tracey Sims, Surrogate Manager Continuing our series of getting to know the BB team a little better, Tracey has written about her role in the Brilliant Beginnings team as our Surrogate Manager....
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