UCL & Anna Freud Centre are looking for intended mothers to share their experiences of their surrogacy journey

Zeynep Gokcelik is an MSc student at UCL and the Anna Freud Centre studying early child development. Her research is a part of the larger Longitudinal Experiences and Adjustments in Parenthood Study (LEAPS) at the Anna Freud Centre, which as a whole aims to explore experiences of becoming a parent and starting a family at different stages in early parenthood.

Zeynep’s research focuses on better understanding intended mothers’ experience of expecting through surrogacy at the prenatal stage.

Who can take part in the research?

Zeynep is mainly looking to recruit intended mothers whose surrogate is in their third term of pregnancy, but any intended mother in the prenatal stage of the surrogate’s pregnancy would be welcomed, and can contact her through the email address below.

If you are interested, or have any further questions, please contact zeynep.gokcelik.22@ucl.ac.uk


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