Information about surrogacy in the USA

Surrogacy in the US

Not sure where to start with Surrogacy in the US?

Take a look at our overview which includes anwers the most common questions about US surrogacy, including how much it costs, how long it takes, how the process works and who is involved.

For more detail information on each of these topics, scroll down.

How much does surrogacy in the USA cost?

How a US surrogacy journey works step by step

Why UK parents choose surrogacy in the USA

Who can become a parent through US surrogacy?

Surrogate screening and motivations in the USA

Professionals involved in US surrogacy

Fertility treatment for US surrogacy

Moving embryos from the UK to the US

Fertility treatment for US surrogacy

Surrogacy pregnancy and birth experience in the USA

Bringing surrogate babies home from the USA

Get an overview of US Surrogacy

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