Researchers at City, University of London are hoping to reach intended parents expecting a baby through surrogacy
Researchers at City, University of London, are conducting a new research study looking at the experiences and psychological health of intended parents who are expecting a baby through surrogacy either in the UK or abroad.

UCL & Anna Freud Centre are looking for intended mothers to share their experiences of their surrogacy journey
Zeynep Gokcelik is an MSc student at UCL and the Anna Freud Centre studying early child development. Her research is a part of the larger Longitudinal Experiences and Adjustments in Parenthood Study (LEAPS) at the Anna Freud Centre. Find out more here.

Do you have children born through international surrogacy aged 8 or over? Can you help their voices be heard in future law reform?
Brilliant Beginnings is delighted to be supporting the new phase of the Children’s Voices in Surrogacy Law project, which will focus on the views of children born through international surrogacy.

Aston University study seeks to interview parents through international surrogacy
Dr Katie Tonkiss is seeking parents through international surrogacy to participate in a study about their experiences. Find out more here.

Gay dads and surrogacy research – can you help?
Non-biological gay/bisexual fathers’ experiences of becoming dads and bonding with their baby born by UK surrogacy – Call for Research Participants

Surrogate Manager Alyssa shared her surrogacy insights with a researcher in Japan
Alyssa spoke with a university researcher in Japan about surrogacy, a new concept there, and shares a little of what was discussed.